Financial Markets are Monetary Battlefields

It’s kill… or be killed.

Adopting a Mercenary Mindset

The foundation of performance begins and ends within the mind. Determine your destination in advance using our MAPPP to profitability, combining 5 coordinates of character and 3 habitual daily actions to fully engage in the financial battle and maximize your returns on time invested.

M.A.P.P.P to Profitability

5 Character Coordinates to Find the Treasures of Monetary Liberty

  • Obtaining financial liberty requires taking on a relentless attitude towards performance. Having a carefully structured method to achieve identified objectives is foundational to becoming a market mercenary.

  • Growth necessitates discomfort and the pushing out of internal boundaries. Mercenaries develop a habit of remaining near the edge of personal comfort zones to regularly stretch beyond average performance.

  • The ability to wait calmly and hold clearly defined intentions may be the most profitable skill a mercenary ever develops. Those who decide to acquire this habit have an automatic performance edge over nearly everyone.

  • Powerful performance is a function of precision execution. In order to scale income effectively, a mercenary focuses attention on timing and the minimization of mechanical and judgement errors.

  • There is no such thing as failure, there is only opportunity to improve personal performance. Mercenaries take responsibility for outcomes and ratchet up their odds of winning by developing the habit of success.

Critical Daily Actions

3 Must Develop Habits of Financial Success

  • Set the tone and trajectory of your day with a routine that speaks to your way of life. Create a habit of starting each day with a focus on being prepared to perform.

  • Risk is not only inevitable, it is central to achievement. Getting comfortable with risk is a matter of exercising your risk tolerance like any other muscle.

  • Excelling in whatever you do is not optional, it is a critical action step in separating yourself from the herd.

    Become a perpetual student of your chosen craft to move in the direction of your end goal. This is The Way to financial freedom.

 Mercenaries get paid on performance

We learn to hit our target objectives, or we are out of business.

Trading is genuinely “risky” for untrained individuals. But so is life itself.

Don’t run from risk…
learn to manage it effectively